Resolve Common Complaint Naturally with Laxative Powder

Nearly 21 percent of the country’s population is suffering from habitual constipation. It is a veritably common problem and slight irregularity is more current as you age. Constipation means having lower than three bowel movements a week, getting hard coprolite which is dry and delicate to pass and straining during the bowel movement. Ignoring constipation can leave you with some uncomfortable and continuing problems.

Chronic conditions that might occur due to constipation are:


It is a common and disturbing condition that occurs due to habitual constipation. There is redundant pressure and straining due to constipation. This leads to the conformation of lumps under the skin. These can be internal piles or external piles. There are grades of piles from Grade I to Grade IV, grade I being the least severe and grade IV being the most severe stage of piles.

Anal fissure

The straining and pressure can tear the skin around the anal region to develop chink. This can grow itching, pain, and bleeding in the anal region. It becomes delicate to pass stool due to splits which can further complicate constipation. Occasionally these crevices grow and can be delicate to treat with drug. Doctors generally suggest surgery to treat the condition.

Fecal impaction

When you cannot pass stool, the waste starts to stick in the intestine which further causes blockage. This generally happens because of habitual constipation. The feces start to make up in the colon or rectum. Fecal impaction can beget symptoms similar as severe abdominal pain, bloating, puking and nausea.

Fecal incontinence

It is the condition when you lose control over bowel movements. This can be a side effect of serious constipation due to the fact that constant straining causes weakness of the rectal muscles and indeed damages nerves of the anal region. A physical blockage that occurs due to hard stool (fecal impaction) causes the muscles to stretch and watery coprolite deeper in the digestive tract will bleed around this hard stool area.

BioFresh Laxative powder

BioFresh is an all-natural herbal enhanced laxative that tastes great and helps to regularise your bowel movement. This deliciously simple solution is a tasty combination of dried red rose petals and dried natural Senna leaves. With thoroughness and good taste, BioFresh laxative powder is an excellent natural mild laxative made from specially selected herbal ingredients.